In the most recent issue of The YAK magazine, I interviewed Middle Grade and Young Adult authors from the BC Lower Mainland about the importance of messy rough drafts! With wisdom from Nafiza Azad, Rachel Hartman, Tanya Lloyd Kyi, and Stacey Matson, we delve into the importance of revision and trusting the re-writing process. Check it out here!

The YAK features articles devoted to Education, Writing, Children’s Literature, and Speech Arts. It is published by The Bolton Academy of Spoken Arts (BASA), the largest speech arts school in western Canada. At BASA, we work one-on-one with kids to help them develop confident, capable, and empathetic communication skills in speech and writing. For more info about BASA click here.
#RachelHartman #MyasStrategytoSavetheWorld #NafizaAzad #yaliterature #Nonfiction #TanyaLloydKyi #AYearintheLifeofaTotalandCompleteGenius #Revising #RoughDraft #TheYAK #ShadowScale #TessoftheRoad #WritingProcess #MiddleGrade #StaceyMatson #Revision #CreativeWriting #WritingTips #MessyRoughDraft #Rewriting #RoughDrafts #WritingAdvice #YALit #Seraphina #Writing #TheCandleandtheFlame